Teeth Whitening in NYC

Teeth Whitening

Meridian Dental Group provides teeth whitening in Midtown NYC. Call 212-813-0850 to learn more and schedule an appointment.

Meridian Dental Group provides teeth whitening services in New York, NY. Call 212-813-0850 to learn more and schedule your appointment.

You can get whiter teeth quickly and effectively with professional teeth whitening treatment. Whether you’re a first timer looking for dramatic results or your previous whitening treatment needs a touch-up, we can help you achieve a whiter smile. Discolored and even severely stained teeth respond to our in-office and at-home bleaching treatment when other whitening products have failed.

In-Office Teeth Whitening: GLO (1-Hour) Whitening

We provide teeth whitening treatment in our office that offers dramatic results in just one appointment. The gums are protected with a rubber shield while the bleaching agent is applied to the teeth. The bleaching agent consists of carbamide peroxide which is a highly effective and safe product. It whitens your teeth without causing sensitivity or damaging your enamel. A specialized light is used to activate the bleaching agent and accelerate the process. In one treatment you’ll have noticeably whiter teeth with lasting results.

At-Home Teeth Whitening: Ultradent Opalescence® Take-Home Whitening

You can also whiten your teeth at home with a professional grade take home bleaching kit using Ultradent Opalescence® Take-Home Whitening. A custom fit tray will be created from an impression of your teeth. The bleaching agent (carbamide peroxide) is applied to the tray, then you simply wear the tray according to your dentist’s instructions to achieve your desired results. The length of time each day and the duration of the treatment will depend on the extent of your needs. At-home whitening can be used as a touch-up system for in-office bleaching to help your results last longer and to refresh your smile periodically.

KöR Whitening®

The newest whitening product we offer is the KöR Whitening® system. This advanced whitening treatment can whiten teeth that are severely stained or those that have not responded adequately to other bleaching agents. Even tetracycline stained teeth that are nearly impossible to whiten can be bleached effectively with KöR Whitening®. 

One of the best things about this system is that you can continue to eat and drink the things you love, including coffee, tea, red wine, dark berries, and tomato sauces. The system includes regular maintenance treatments that can be done periodically to keep your results looking new. 

Tooth sensitivity is minimal or non-existent with the KöR Whitening® system, making it one of the most preferred whitening products available by patients of all ages. Although it has powerful teeth whitening capabilities, it is also mild enough to prevent irritation to your gums and soft tissues of your mouth.

Call 212-813-0850 to schedule your appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Whitening

Will teeth whitening make my teeth hurt?

There is no pain involved in teeth whitening treatment. Some patients may experience mild tooth sensitivity following treatment, but it typically subsides quickly. If your teeth seem more sensitive than usual after teeth whitening treatment, use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth or ask your dentist for prescription strength sensitive toothpaste.

How long does teeth whitening last?

Results for a single in-office teeth whitening treatment can last for 1-3 years depending on your habits. At-home whitening systems with regular touch-ups can keep your teeth looking white for much longer because they allow you to remove stains before they set in. With periodic treatment, results are considered to be permanent.

Which is more effective, in-office or at-home treatment?

Both treatments are highly effective. In-office treatments provide virtually instant results that are noticeable the same day. At-home treatments take a few days to produce noticeable results with the full effect of the whitening in a few weeks.

What is the bleaching gel made of?

The bleaching agent in most teeth whitening products is carbamide peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is another ingredient that makes up teeth whitening gels. These have strong bleaching abilities without harming the teeth or soft issues of the mouth.

Call 212-813-0850 to schedule an appointment at our dental office in Midtown Manhattan.